Chelar is upset. Upset with climate change, upset with the rules of her classmate’s games and upset with the absence of any real connection with nature. So Chelar decides to become a tree. What starts as a spontaneous act soon becomes a mind changing example for her friend Solvei and the adults around her.
● Agnes Maagaard ● 12' ● Germany
Among the different species that inhabit our planet, one stands out from the others by its power and its impact on ecosystems. It is the Autosaurus Rex!
● Marcel Barelli ● 6’ ● Switzerland
Two polar bears are forced to emigrate away from their home due to global warming. During their travels they encounter two brown bears, with whom they try to co-exist.
● Hugo Caby, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, Zoé Devise ● 8’ ● France
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